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Having been a very keen angler some years ago when I would have been fly fishing two or three times a week and sea angling almost every weekend I lost track of it all what with work and other things life throws at you. Now I'm getting back into it all with as much enthusiasm as I ever had and I hope sharing the experience of it will enlighten, educate and amuse others who may read these pages.

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Saturday, 22 May 2010

Port Muck Islandmagee

Warmest day of the year so far and very sunny. Decided not such a good day for the fly so headed off to Port Muck with my spinning rod. Walked the shoreline to the right of the car park and fished from the rocks facing Muck Island. I fished from low water at around 2pm to nearing high tide at about 6pm.

Few very small coalies taking lures almost as big as they were . Caught one or two on a small blue surface plug as well. A few others bait fishing and spinning but nobody catching anything of note. A small fishing boat tried to make it over the causeway which can be seen joining to the Muck island at low tide. Water was too low and he need a boat gaff to get relaunched.

A very scenic place and the and what with this and the great weather, lack of fish was no big disappointment

A lot of this plant growing among the rocks. I think its called thrift or sea pink. Certainly looks a lot better here than in a flowerpot somewhere.

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